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This season is nothing if not full of travel. Whether you’re packing up the car and taking a road trip or you are flying the friendly skies on your favorite airline, traveling with a baby can make everything a little bit more complicated. The good news is that it is very doable and that you are certainly not alone in this department nor will you be the only ones this holiday season with your infant in tow as well. The trick is knowing what to expect and not getting blindsided by unforeseen needs and complications while you are in transit. Today’s blog is going to give you some useful tips for dealing with just that! Let us know in the comments about your tips and tricks when it comes to traveling and napping your baby on the go.
When Napping On The Go, Stick To Your Schedule When Possible
Keeping your child’s nap schedule intact is vitally important to their overall health and wellbeing while traveling. So many other parts of their daily lives will be disrupted through travel that it is important to have something remain familiar or the same. Prepare your travel itinerary to allow for naps at regular times if at all possible. And if not, then you can encourage your child to sleep in the car or on the plane when a nap window presents itself.
This car seat cover and carrier will help you baby nap easier on the go!
Portable White Noise Machine
One of the most important pieces of gear that we can recommend is that you bring a portable white noise machine with you. Make sure that it is battery operated, rugged, and small enough that you can toss it in the diaper bag or carry on so that you can have it in hand at a moment’s notice. When your baby is napping in a hotel room, airport lounge, or relative’s house, you can break out the white noise machine and set it close to the baby to ensure that the unfamiliar noise-scape around them does not reduce or disrupt their sleep patterns.
Our Favorite Portable White Noise
Blackout Curtains Or Window Coverings That Can Attach To Glass
You may think this is crazy, but it can really help! Packing a set of small blackout curtains or window coverings that can attach to any nearby window can be a lifesaver! It may be winter time, but the sun can still be relentless and disruptive to your child’s sleep. With a portable blackout curtain or shade, you can ensure that your little one will have a serene, dark, and quiet place to sleep no matter where you are.
Bring Snacks And Useful Distractions For Yourself
Your little bundle of joy won’t always fall asleep in a place where you can leave them alone for any amount of time. In situations like that, you will need to bring extra snacks and entertainment for yourself so you can avoid the dreaded nap trap with nothing to do but watch your baby sleep. Yes, that is definitely great! But, there are times where you will be starving and unable to make or order food, so the extra snacks help. We also recommend a pair of portable headphones or earbuds that you can tether to your phone so you can watch your favorite shows or movies while your baby is sleeping to help pass the time.
Top 8 Travel Necessities for Baby:
- Car Seat Cover –
- Travel White Noise –
- Favorite Infant Carrier –
- Pack N Play –
- Blackout Cover –
- Travel Blackout Curtains –
- Pack N Play Padded Cover –
- Travel Bottle Warmer –
Before You Go
We hope you enjoyed learning about tips for napping your child while on the go. If you would like to know more about this, our sleep programs or any of our excellent newborn care services, we are happy to help. Just contact us and we can go over your options and help you find the best path for your little one. We hope these tips have helped you along your journey. If you have any questions about helping your baby to sleep better, or about your baby in general, please reach out to us HERE. We are experts in all things baby and sleep and would love to help!
If you have questions about your child, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We would love to help. Please reach out to us here! We always look forward to hearing from you.
The content contained in this blog is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended as medical advice or to replace the advice of any medical professional. It is based on our opinions and experience working with newborns and their families. Other’s opinions may vary. It does not represent the views of any affiliated organizations. The reader understands that the term “Babynurse” is often a word used to describe a newborn caregiver. However, unless otherwise disclosed, we are not licensed nurses in any state. By reading and/or utilizing any information or suggestions contained in this blog, the reader acknowledges that we are not medical professionals and agrees to and waives any claim, known or unknown, past, present or future. This blog may contain affiliate links.
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