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As parents of newborn children, it’s so easy to get caught up in the rhythm of feeding, sleeping, and changing our baby (not to mention tummy time!) that we can easily forget that it’s also good to add some outdoor time to the schedule as well. Yes, it can seem like a lot to handle (and it really is) but there are so many benefits to both baby and parents, that getting some time outside should be considered a high priority each day if at all possible. In today’s blog, we’re going to explore some of the benefits of spending time outside with your child and how you can fit more quick outside activities into your busy daily life. If you have any tips or comments about this topic, please let us know in the comments! We’d love to hear your experiences here.
Benefits Of Outside Time For Children
Exposure to the outside, even if it is just your backyard, can help your child in so many ways! The sunlight can help boost their vitamin D levels and other vitamins that are processed and absorbed through the skin. Sunlight also helps to boost their mood (no one wants a cranky baby!) and can help them develop a more solid circadian rhythm which can mean better sleep at night and an easier time falling asleep at night. When barefoot outside first thing in the morning, it is supposed to help reestablish a skewed schedule that has been brought about by traveling or just a naturally skewed sleeping schedule.
Outside Time Helps Boost Immune System
Studies have shown that minimal exposure to dirt and grass and other things found on the ground in the average park or back yard can actually help boost your child’s immune system and immune response. Regular exposure to the outside elements can also help to prevent or reduce allergies as adults as well.
How To Get Outside More Often. Activities For You And Baby
Ok, we now know it is super important to spend some time outside each day with your child, regardless of the time of year, but what are some ways in which you can do it? We’ve put together a quick list of fun and short activities that are easy to do and fun for you and baby to try.
- Take tummy time outside
- All you will need is your child’s normal tummy time blanket setup and maybe an extra blanket for comfort. Set them up outside on the grass and let them do tummy time in the shade or indirect sunlight.
- Take baby for a 10 minute walk
- You may already have a stroller, so just load up your baby and take them out into the sun for a quick walk each morning or early afternoon.
- Feed baby outside a time or two each day
- Sometimes getting some outside time can be as simple as moving her next bottle or breastfeeding session from the couch to the sunlight outside. This is a great way for you and baby to get a quick dose of sunshine and fresh air without having to do a lot of setup or planning.
- Take your pack and play area and set it up outside (in the shade)
- If you have a travel pack and play area for your child, then it can make an excellent outdoor play area as well. Just make sure you are there constantly and are setting it up in a cool area away from indirect sunlight or have an umbrella over the top.
Before You Go
Getting more sun and exercise with your baby is essential and fun. We are happy to help. Just contact us and we can go over your options and help you find the best path for your little one. We hope these tips have helped you along your journey. If you have any questions about helping your baby to sleep better, or about your baby in general, please reach out to us HERE. We are experts in all things baby and sleep and would love to help!
If you have questions about your child, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We would love to help. Please reach out to us here! We always look forward to hearing from you.
The content contained in this blog is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended as medical advice or to replace the advice of any medical professional. It is based on our opinions and experience working with newborns and their families. Other’s opinions may vary. It does not represent the views of any affiliated organizations. The reader understands that the term “Babynurse” is often a word used to describe a newborn caregiver. However, unless otherwise disclosed, we are not licensed nurses in any state. By reading and/or utilizing any information or suggestions contained in this blog, the reader acknowledges that we are not medical professionals and agrees to and waives any claim, known or unknown, past, present or future. This blog may contain affiliate links.
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